Just a dream, but not for long
My name is Wil, and like many other zillennials, I have fond memories of the creativity and customizability of neopets when I was growing up. I found myself constantly amazed by the content and creativity of people's pages in the early 2000s (be they on neopets or not) and always dreamed of making something like it of my own. Due to a number of limitiations I was never able to realize my dream back then. But maybe I can do it now.
I was motivated to look to neocities with the collapse of twitter. I began putting serious thought into what I wanted from the internet. I was tired of hateful attitudes, arguments, advertising, and misinformation. I want to be in spaces that are kind, that are run by people who are passionate about what they do. I don't want to be part of a place that's only purpose is to squeeze me for profit.
So I looked elsewhere. I read a lot of manifestos and guides. I remembered the websites I had seen twenty years ago, and I longed to see them again.
I decided I want to take control of my presence online, and I don't want it to be something anyone can profit from. I want it to be personal, and I want it to be out of love. I'm still learning as I work on this place, but maybe one day I'll get there.